I have one head,two arms and two legs. I have one nose,one mouth and two eyes
4.read 5. Walk.6.clean.7.learn. 8. Have lanch.9.buy a present.10. Have good time
Half past- половина
quarter - четверть
предлor TO используется в том случае, если минутная стрелка ушла дальше тридцати минут. (например, five to six)
предлог half испольщуется, если минутная стрелка еще не дошла до тридцати минут или находиться ровно на тридцати минут (например half past six)
Что-то вроде того наверно требуется:
- I think tons of rubbish outside the cities is one of the most important issues today.
- It is, indeed. Instead of throwing away rubbish, we should recycle it.
- I think the issue of how to save endangered species is one of the most important today.
- It is, indeed. Instead of hunting, we should adopt endangered animals.
- I think air pollution is an important issue today.
- It is, indeed. Instead of destroying parks and gardens we should protect their trees.