Important - unimportant, neat - scruffy, pleasant - unpleasant, usual - unusual, interesting - boring, fashionable - old-fashioned, put on - take off, light - dark, <span>clean-dirty</span>
16Ann said Englishmen made good husbands because they were nearly always willing to help in the house. 17Mary answered she liked men to be useful but she didn't like them to be too domesticated.She preferred them to keep out of the kitchen altogether.She added men looked silly anyway. 18Motoring report said the new Rolls Royce ran so quickly that all they could hear was the ticking of the clock. Managing director of the of the Rolls Royce Company said in that case they would have to do something about the clock. 19 She said she didn't know what to do with all her plums.She supposed she would have to make jam. The trouble was that none of them ate jam. 20The builders explained they liked working on Sundays because they got double pay. 21He said he was quite a good cook and did all his own washing and mending too. 22He told Joan she could keep that one if she liked.He'd got plenty of others. 23The small boy said he was going fishing with mother that afternoon and they were going into the garden to dig for worms. 24 I said crossly he'd got my umbrella.His was in his bedroom. 25The private detective explained to his client he knew exactly what they had said because he had bugged their phone. 26He said he would sit up till she came in,but he hoped she wouldn't be late, 27My cousin told me if I gave him some wire he would hang that picture for me. 28 She said she had a Turkish bath occasionally but it didn't seem to make any difference to her weight. 29The salesman said to the woman that was quite a good model.He used one of those himself. 30 She said her new house was supposed to be haunted but so far she hadn't seen any ghosts. 31 The advertisement said if people answered the questions correctly they might win $100.He said if he pressed his ear against the wall ,he could hear what the people in the next flat were saying.
1.She s got a cat = She has got a cat
2.She s fine = She is fine
3.She s a driver = She is a driver
4.He s got a ball = He has got a ball
<span>5.He s from Africa = He is from Africa</span>
Однажды там жили мыши под кухонным полом. В кухне жил толстый и сильный кот. Мыши были не рады потому что кот не часто выходил наружу и мыши не могли брать еду какую они хотят. Однажды они встретились все вместе , чтобы решить что делать с котом. Разные мыши имели разные планы. Но планы были не очень хорошие. Кот не любил покидать кухню и задерживаться во дворе. Мыши никогда не знали когда кот вернеться. Одна молодая но очень важная мышь встала и сказала : я думаю у меня есть план который вам всем понравится. Я думаю этот план сработает хорошо. Мы должны Положить колокольчики вокруг шеи кота колокольчики будут звенеть и говорить нам когда кот вернётся тогда у нас будет время бежатьВсе мыши одобрили план и решили сделать Но мудрая старая мышь встала на свои ноги и сказала я согласна с с тобой прошлый план был очень хорошим но могу я спросить у тебя один вопрос и это очень важный вопрос Кто из вас собирается вешать колокольчики вокруг вшей кота