Shorts - шорты ............................................................................
1 Текст
Вчера в городе я видел Сью, но она не видела меня. Она смотрела в другую сторону.
2 Текст
Я встретил Тома и Анну в аэропортунесколько недель назад. Они полетели в Берлини я полетел в Мадрид. Мы общалисьпока ждали наши рейсы.
3 Текст
Я вчера ехал на велосипеде домой, как вдруг мужчина появился на дороге впереди меня. Я двигался быстро, но я моментально отреагировал и не ударил его.
Did he see Sue in town?
Did she see him?
Where did he see her?
Where did he meet Tom and Ann?
When did he meet them?
When did they have a chat?
When was he cycling home?
Did men run?
Did he hit him?
Отметь как лучший ответ пожалуйста
1. has worked
2. have met
3.have read
4. have bought
5. has lived
6. has brought
7.have cooked
8.have washed
9.has seen
10.have opened
1. Was being built 2. Is being examined 3. Is being written 4. Was being tested 5. Is being redecorated 1. The doctor is being sent for by them. 2. The computer is being used by somebody at the moment. 3. The speaker was being listened with great interest by us when the lecture was interrupted by the bell. 4. When the hall was catered by me a beautiful piece (?) of music was being played by somebody. 1. Has been hold 2. Has been ready (? Непонятно, как в презент, если by next Monday) 3. Has been stolen 4. Had been finished ( то же самое). 5. Has been translated