8)the, the
1.Вересковое воскресенье
2.День святого Патрика
3.Святая Бригид – развод без церемоний
4.День мертвого ворона
5.На свадьбу без приглашения.
Under Senate Bill 270, also known as it's referendum ballot measure, Prop 67, prohibits the distribution of single-use plastic bags at grocery, drug, and convenience stores and requires that reusable bags have a minimum 10 cent fee.
SB 270 was signed into law in 2014, but soon afterwards was challenged by out of state plastic bag manufacturers who intended to repeal the law by running a deceptive campaign after gathering enough signatures to qualify the measure for a referendum vote in 2016. The law was meant to be phased in over time, but the referendum vote effectively put the law's implementation on hold until November 9th, 2016. Ultimately, CAW and those who partnered with us to uphold the bag ban in the Yes on 67 campaign prevailed. California voters approved the referendum vote of SB 270 by a 53.27% affirmative vote, proving that our environmental values can't be bought out by out of state special interest groups.
Now, the single-use bag ban is fully implemented statewide and communities that previously didn't have a plastic bag ordinance are seeing the benefits that the statewide single-use plastic bag ban has brought.
An interesting story is happened with a little monkey in jungle. One day it was hungry and wanted to eat some bananas but there was no food because many hunters took all the food in that region for selling. Our monkey had a lot of friends including a big green crocodile called Jambo. Jambo asked monkey to make a fresh juice from bananas and gave monkey few fruits. Monkey made a beverage to crocodile and took one yellow banana to itself.