9.2.1)We had been waiting so long.2)This apple tastes strange.3)We queued for a half an hour.4)The holiday cost me about £500. 5)I replied to his letter yesterday. 6)She smiled to me this morning.
9.3.1)I'll make a ring to him this evening.2)I’ll have a diet if neccesary. 3)If you don’t know, just make a guess.4)I took a break ,but i couldn't stop in time.5)I had a dream about my mother.6)Did you have a look in the paper?
9.4. 1a)the same.2a)different -to book= to reserve sth. 3a)different-to take a break =to make a pause/ to break=to <span>fracture. 4a.the same</span>
She studies at university.
They were watching TV at the weekend.
I come home at 7 o’clock.
I laugh at his joke.
The passengers arrived at the airport.
There is a picture on the wall.
I`m going to the cinema on Friday.
It depends on me.
We focus on this problem.
There is a big carpet on the floor.
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