Gravity Falls is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation. Created by Alex Hirsch, the series follows the adventures of Dipper Pines and his sister Mabel who are sent to spend the summer with their uncle Stan in Gravity Falls, a mysterious town full of paranormal forces and supernatural creatures. The kids help Stan run "The Mystery Snack", the tourist trap that he owns, while also investigating the local mysteries. I like this cartoon family because it is very funny, friendly and brave. I really enjoy watching about their adventures every time when the new episode begins.
Parrot скорее всего ну не знаю
I do not think that students should work because it is very will hinder their learning. A main goal is student learning! Pupils should not work because it is primarily children! You need to work after education.
Я не думаю что школьники должны работать потому что это очень будет мешать их учебе. А главная задача школьника это учиться! Школьники не должны работать потому что это прежде всего дети! Работать нужно уже после получения образования.
3) In the story, two pirates were speaking together quietly.
4)The waves were getting high.
5)Pirates were swimming round and round the ship.
6)Jack suddenly wanted to cook some food instead!
7)The children and the shorter pirate never heard the end!
I am going to have my summer holidays very soon.
My family and I are going to the seaside in June. We are going there by train.
I am going to swim and sunbathe there. My parents are going to visit famous landmarks.
In July I am going to stay at my granny's place. I am going to help her in the garden. My granny and I are going to plant trees and water the flowers.
My parents are going to repair our flat at that time.
In August I am going to spend time in our city. I am going to play computer games and watch TV. My friends and I are going to walk around the city. Our family is also going to watch plays at the theatre. My best friend and I are going to play football. At the end of summer I am going to prepare for school. I am going to buy exercise books, pens and pencils.