I chose bike but my little sister which is six take a kitten
Hello! I want to tell about a famous person called Gennady Golovkin. He is Kazakhstan boxer. He is 36 six
years old. He is big professional. Gennady is very polite and strong person.
Привет! Я хочу рассказать вам об одном известном человеке, которого зовут Геннадий Головкин. Он Казахстанский боксёр. Ему 36 лет. Он большой профессионал. Геннадий очень вежливый и сильный человек.
The ship was on fire and we were damaged and helpless.
She thanked him for his helpful advice.
Helpless - беспомощный
helpful - полезный
1 He asked me if I could give him my pen.
2 She wondered if he had already come home after lessons.
3 Liz asked me if I was seeing the manager the following day.
2 truth
3 so
4 ocean
5 across
6 liberty
7 skyscraper
8 nearly
9 sailor
10 European
11 poor
12 rich
13 arrive
14 ceremony
15 village
16 until