1. was cooking
2. recovered
3. were reading
4. left
5. was playing
6. were watching
7. was washing
1. The name of the organization that raised the money was 'Help Hearts'.
2. The evnt was planned by a group of nurses from a local hospital.
3. Over 1000 people took part in the event.
4. The weather was sunny during rhe event.
5. The result of the event was the hospital administrators' decision to hold such events every year.
<span>1. в какой стране находятся Павел и Соня в?
2. какая погода?
3. где Соня?
4.что на ней надето?
5.что она делает?
6. где Павел?
7.что он делает<span>?</span></span>
1) If you take away crumbs from the table by your hand you'll have bad luck. Не смахивайте мусор со стола рукой — к безденежью.
2) Keeping peacock feathers or a bunch of reeds at home can break the family. Держать в доме павлиньи перья или букет из камыша — к развалу семьи.
3) Cutting your hair by yourself leads you to poverty. Самого себя стричь — к бедности.
4) Washing the apartment in the evening is casting the happiness out of the house. </span>Мыть квартиру вечером — вымывать счастье из дома.
5) Nothing should be sewn up just before leaving home. Прежде чем выйти из дома, ничего нельзя зашивать.