Cooking buying knowing packing
Разница в смысле между инфинитивом с частицей to и "инговой" формой
Некоторые глаголы при употреблении с разными формами других глаголов меняют свой смысл.
Различие тут, правда, очень тонкое. Forget, если он один, означает "не помнить" (как, например, в выражении "я не помню, что было 3 года назад"), а с инфинитивом другого глагола означает уже "забыть" (в данном примере - забыть купить молоко).
Land turtles are species that live exclusively on land and use water only for drinking and bathing. In this group of about 40 species, and they are strictly protected by law. But despite this, huge numbers of turtles illegally transported for sale, and also illegally sold. Often in these "travels" are created absolutely intolerable conditions for the animals, most of which do not survive to the end of the trip, and the remainder died shortly after transport. Therefore before you buy a turtle, make sure the seller has the relevant documents. This will guarantee that you will sell a healthy animal on sale legally.
<span>Tortoises live in warm climates. Animals are cold blooded and need the heat of the sun, so their habitats – steppes, deserts or the humid subtropical and tropical zones. At night, when temperatures drop, turtles bury themselves in the soil heated during the day. And in the morning when the sun begins to warm, they get out, substituting your shell for heating.</span>
1) he doesn't study at university
2) her brother doesn't work at the same factory. We woks at the other factory.
3)she doesn't read this books
4) they don't speak Russian
5) I don't send him any letters
6)we don't put the books at the bookcase
7)I don't see him every Monday
D) returned 2. D) neat 3. B) sense 4. A) stuck 5. A) badly 6. C) pass 7. D) leave