1. The old castle built 500 years ago belongs to the uni-ty
2. The holidaymakers wearing light clothes walked along....(дальше ничего не меняется)
3. The lands discovered by Columbus were rich...
4. The children excited by the news shouted..
5. The hedges dividing the fields were getting yellow.
6. The young lady standing at the door..
7. The two banks connected by the bridge..
8. The chocolate factory run by Mr Wonker...
9. B. Smith heard the noise of a child crying.
10 He entered the...... and smelt something burning.
Do you love dogs? Yes, I love big dogs.
Так и пиши Работу выполнила ученица 8 а класса Злата Зайнагутдинова я ещё обычно пишу спасибо за внимание
Do you know how many people are like you?
Richer-the richiest
poorer-the pooriest
more complicated-the most complicated
more beautiful-the most beautiful