Это в Passive Voice
1) They report that the speed limit has been exceeded by him
2) Tom's car was fixed by the mechanic
3) Sarah's house is being painted
4) He is being stayed at the hotel by their words
5) Her book will be translated into English
Это в Causative
1)He has had the speed limit exceeded
2)The mechanic had Tom's car fixed
3)They are having Sarah's house painted
4)He is having himself staying at the hotel
5) She will have her book translated into English
Across (по горизонтали)
2 grandfather
4 daughter
6 husband
9 cousin
11 wife
down (по вертикали)
1 granddaughter
3 aunt
5 grandmother
7 nephew
8 uncle
10 son
I think there will be an economic take-off in our country next year</span>
1. curly. 2. moustache. 3. necks4. height. 5. lips. 6. dark. 7. late
His wife said that he was wrong/ She added that there was no one there. She said that he perhaps could smell the scraps of that littile boy he had liked so much for the dinner of the day before/ There he could go and had a wash and changed his clothes, and by the time he came back his breakfast would be ready for him. She said to wait till he was asleep, he always slept for a while after breakfast.