1. If only I had more to read detective stories.
2. Daniel wishes he had learnt to swim when he was younger.
3. If only we had seen the burglar's face.
4. I wish I were brave enough to go abseiling.
5. They wish they could learn how to scuba dive.
6. If only you had remembered to lock your bike!
7. Do you wish you had called the police sooner?
8. If only he were more careful!</span>
Раша. Ит ис эни ситиз, Таунс кэпитал оф Раша им итс э биг сити. Зе кэн си э лот оф пипл. Диа Пен френд, май ней ис Света. Айс фром а ладж кантри. Зеа ар ма энд фарма ин Раша. Зе кэпитал Москоу. Ай Лив ин Москоу. Итс эб стрита ар уайд энд лонг ин Москоу. Ин зе стрита ю кэн си э лот карс, биг энд тол хаузес. Сам пипл лайк ту Лив ин зе кокс зе кантри ю кэн си грин филдс энд хилз кантри. Ин лонг риверс энд найс грин гарденс уиз эпл триз. Зеа ар а лот оф коус, хорсес, шип он зе фарм. Зе хаузес ин зе кантри ар найс энд смол. Ага кантри им бьютифол! Кам энд си ас! Бест уишес, Света Белова.
<span>1. There isn't a fridge in the kitchen. можно еще по-другому: There is no fridge in the kitchen.</span>
<span> В кухне нет холодильника.</span>
<span>2. Steve watches TV in the living-room .</span>
<span> Стив смотрит телевизор а зале.</span>
Russian cuisine - traditional cuisine of the Russian people . Her dishes and flavor accents vary depending on geographic location. Russian cuisine has incorporated elements of French cuisine as well as specialties from the former Soviet Union and the various peoples living in Russia [ citation needed 355 days ] .
<span>A distinctive feature of the Russian peasant cuisine dishes - practically never encountered such a reception as frying . Usually, food is cooked in the oven , so it is widely used by boiling, stewing , vexation [1]. Also for Russian cuisine is typical harvesting vegetables and fruits using pickling , salting and urinating . [2] However, for modern versions of Russian dishes is equal frying cooking process along with the rest . In particular, exposed frying pancakes and hash browns , eggs , many kinds of meat dishes.</span>