I'm using it. (Present continuous)
1. The nerves carry signals from the ears to the brain.
2. The three little bones inside the ear..
3. Sound waves make the drum vibrate.
4. The cochlea, which is the tube that..
5. Sound travels from the outer ear down the ear canal.
Duck [duk] утка
eye [ея] гдаз
He saw the man. They became friends and understand each other. But inoplanityanin wanted to go home. He had help. Together they potstroili radio to transmit the signal to the home planet. Behind him came two friends .tak race.
<span>1. You arranged to play tennis. Now you decide
that you don’t want to play. .<u> I don't think I will play.</u></span>
<span>2. A friend of yours offers you a lift in his car
but you decide to walk. <u>Thank you but .I think I will walk.</u></span>
<span>3. A friend of yours promises to lend you the
money. You decide to pay him back on Friday.<u> I think I will pay you back on Friday.</u></span>