I go to school in order to achieve something in life. It is in the school, I was taught how to write, count, and develop logical thinking. In school, we explain the different topics that will be useful to us in life. If we did not go to school, people would have been illiterate and disabled. All that we know today, everything we gave school. We need to appreciate and love the school and our teachers.
Клара:На цьому фото ми є на нашому дитячому майданчику. В травні ми маємо день скакання. Мої однокласники бездоганні в скаканні. Ми скакали(на скакалці) протягом 15 хвилин. І ми зробили 339,675 стрибків.
Марк: Чи ти брала участь?
Клара: Ні. Доки ми однокласники змагалися я робила це фото.
Карлсон He is funny
Шапокляк She is cunning
Колобок He is brave
Лювёнок и черепаха <span>He is funny</span>
Алиса в стране чудес She is nice
Емеля He is brave