British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is probably the best non-commercial radio and television system, formed by royal charter in 1927 to "educate and enlighten" the citizens.<span>.It includes five national and local radio stations,national television stations, the International BBC World Service and BBC Worldwide Television.
</span>There are four radio channels. <span>Radio 1 has mostly pop music; Radio 2 has light music, comedy, sport. Radio 3 has classical and modern music, talks on serious subjects. Radio 4 presents current news reports and discussions.
</span><span>The BBC also has two television channels BBC 1 and BBC 2. BBC 2 offers more serious programmes than BBC 1. It shows discussions, adaptations of novels into plays and films, operas and concerts. BBC 1 offers lighter plays and series, humour and sport, but there are also some interesting documentaries.</span>
1) Michael Jorda<u>N</u> was selected to play in 13 All-star games. He <u>must</u> be one of the best basketball players in the world.
2) The MTV Music. Awards start in an hour. If we don't miss the bus, we <u>may</u> make it.
3. Frank doesn't know how to swim. He <u>can't</u> be trying to get into the school team!
4. The weather is very cloudly. It <u>should</u> rain later
5. I'm not sure what we're going to do Saturday night. We <u>might</u> go bowling.