<span>1 Uncle Albert doesn't look a day older than forty.
2 Fritz is the smallest of the family.
3 Hans and Peter are exactly as old as each other and exactly as tall as each other.
4 Ruth is pretlier than Frieds.
5 Ruth's hair is londer and fairer than Gretchen's.
6 Hans and Peter are the noisiest boys that I know.
7 Boys are always noisier than girls. </span>
1) was having
2) arrived
3) was listening
4)didn't hear
На следующее утро, когда семья Отис встретился за завтраком, они говорили о призраке.<span>"Я не хочу расстраивать призрак", сказал мистер Отис. "В конце концов, это был его дом давным-давно. Я не думаю, что это вежливо, чтобы бросить подушки на него."</span>
1. today was sunny and 36 degrees2. yesterday it was sunny the wind was3. a week later I think it will be warm 30 degrees