Смотри! do употребляется в настоящем времени did в прошедшем времени does в настоящем времени 3 лица ед. числа! и do not, did not, does not, должны стояте перед глаголами, а у тебя после!
Например: They do not live in that house.
It does not likes fish.
<span>1. Below on this street building a new residential area.</span>
<span>2. It has never been taken for an Englishman.</span>
<span>3. In your room have touched nothing since you've been sent to a sanatorium.</span>
<span>4. Whether you consider interesting work that you suggested?</span>
<span>5. 3A every penny you need to account.</span>
<span>6. Have you ever taught how to behave?</span>
<span>7. It had to operate.</span>
<span>8. Children were treated to ice cream.</span>
<span>9. Someone stole my stamp collection.</span>
<span>10. I've never spoken.</span>
<span>11. Look! Someone spilled tea on the table cloth.</span>
<span>12.Уроки need to do more interesting.</span>
<span>13. We have to do something for these people.</span>
<span>14. Football is played all over the world.</span>
<span>15. I'm afraid that this castle you can't fix it.</span>
<span>16. Birthday she was given a box of chocolates.</span>
<span>17. His friend, speak well.</span>
<span>18. Students were told to wait outside the door.</span>
<span>19. My uncle made the captains.</span>
<span>20. Outside were asked to leave the meeting.</span>
<span>21. You will say, when does the train.</span>
<span>22. She felt that her something to hide.</span>
<span>23. There will be so dark that you will not be seen.</span>
<span>24. I felt that he already asked this question before.</span>
<span>25. I was sent to bed.</span>
<span>2B. He didn't hear what they were talking about.</span>
<span>27. We will know whether it is good for him watched.</span>
<span>28. He was given a first-class education.</span>
<span>29. Something is being done to restore this building?</span>
<span>30. They say that you can't see him for three months.</span>
<span>31. He turned on the radio. Performed Brahms piano Concerto.</span>
<span>32. I did not know to whom I represent.</span>
<span>33. At a reception on the Professor did not pay attention, but wearied with his pretty wife.</span>
1-is tom eating a pizza at the moment?what is Tom doing(eating)at the moment?Is tom eating a pizza or salad at the moment?Tom is eating a pizza at the moment,is not he?Who is eating a pizza at the moment?
2-Have they been to wales this year?Where have they been this year?Have they been to wales or paris this year?they have been to wales this year,have not they?who has been to wales this year?
3-did ann write a poem yesterday?when did ann write a poem?did ann write a poem or learn by heart?ann wrote a poem yesterday,did not she?who wrote a poem yesterday?
My lucky charm is my necklace. In appearance it is no different from other decorations, but actually has a lot of mysteries and a long life. I got this pendant from my grandmother, my grandmother from her grandmother. My grandmother gave me the necklace and told me not to take it off. Yet I do not wear it so often, because it has a very great power. What if it gets stolen? No, he'll be lying at home. This talisman gives me strength and confidence. I usually take tests with him. I am very grateful to my grandmother for such a family gift.
По русски:
Мой талисман - это мой кулон. На вид он ничем не отличается от других украшений, но на самом деле имеет много загадок и долгую жизнь. Этот кулон достался мне от бабушки, бабушке от ее бабушки. Моя бабушка отдала этот кулон мне, и велела не снимать. Все же я его не так часто ношу, потому что он имеет очень большую силу. А если его украдут? Нет, он будет лежать дома. Этот талисман придает мне силы и уверенность. Обычно с ним я хожу на контрольные. Я очень благодарна бабушке за такой семейный подарок.
<span>Перевод: Использование</span><span>наречий</span><span>частоты в</span><span>поле</span><span>, а также</span><span>подсказки</span><span>ниже, чтобы</span><span>спросить и</span><span>ответить на вопросы.</span><span>всегда /</span> обычно <span>/ часто</span><span>/ иногда / никогда</span><span>Как часто</span><span>..</span><span>ходить по магазинам</span><span>?</span><span>смотреть</span><span>DVD?</span><span>бегать</span><span>?</span><span>работать на вашем</span><span>компьютере?</span>