1. Dachas are usually a few kilometers outside the city.
(-) Dachas aren't usually a few kilometers outside the city.
Общий: Are dachas usually a few kilometers outside the city?
Специальный: How far outside the city are dachas?
Альтернативный: Are dachas usually a few kilometers outside the city or in the city?
К подлежащему: What is usually a few kilometers outside the city?
2. Families swim and fish in nearby lakes and rivers.
(-) Families don't swim and fish in nearby lakes and rivers.
Общий: Do families swim and fish in nearby lakes and rivers?
Специальный: Where do families swim and fish?
Альтернативный: Do families swim and fish in nearby lakes and rivers or in swimming-pools?
К подлежащему: Who swims and fishes in nearby lakes and rivers?