2. Dad rarely cooks dinner
3. Carla never gets up early on Sundays
4. Jessica always does her homework
5. He sometimes washes the car on Saturday mornings
6. Jason usually wears jeans and a T-shirt
7. I rarely go to the gym
Маленький слоненок и его новая одежда
<span>1. Do you ( keep) to any special diet? - Well, I (do not think) it (is)
good to eat a lot of meat. I usually ( have) meat only once a week. I
(eat) lots of fruit and vegetables. 2. He (is learning) English now
because he ( wants) to get a better job. 3. The teacher ( knows) the
girl does not often (argue) with pupils. 4. I ( think) she often (
worries). 5. Barbara's boss (sees) she (is) always late for work. 6. I
(am call</span><span>ing) my son in Chicago now. I ( want) to call him every month
but it (is) very expensive. 7. Do you ( hear) me now? How is your job ( go</span><span>ing)? - Great! I ( enjoy) it a lot. The only problem I (have) here
(is) that the food (is) so good. I (eat) too much! I (am gett</span><span>ing)
really fat. 8. Ruth (is learn</span><span>ing) English now because she ( likes)
learning languages and she ( wants) to impress everybody. 9. Listen to
that man! Do you ( understand) what language he (is speak</span><span>ing)? 10. Is your
English ( gett</span><span>ing) better? - Yes, I (think) so. 11. We ( know) he
never ( takes) risks. 12. They ( think) he (is learn</span><span>ing) fast, he (
knows) English well and he (speaks) English fluently. 13. Don't disturb
him. He is just ( work</span><span>ing) at his English. 14. I (do not like) to watch TV
very often. But at the moment I (am enjoy</span><span>ing) my favourite film «Gone with
the Wind». And I (am) very happy. 15. Do you ( have) any idea where
Rick (is)? I (am not see</span><span>ing) him at work now. - He (is visit</span><span>ing) his
friends in Spain. 16. Hurry up! We (do not have) much time left. - I (am
com</span><span>ing)! 17. She (is try) to lose weight, I (to think). She always (to
have) light lunches. 18. She (to try</span><span>ing) to do her best. 19. My little
brother (does not play) the piano very well. That (is) why he (is
practis</span><span>ing) the piano again. 20. My grandmother (is) busy. She (is
bak</span><span>ing) an apricote pie. She ( bakes) pies every Sunday. 21. Tom (is)
tired. He (is) embarrassed because he (is yawn</span><span>ing) his head off. 22. I
(am) sad. That (is) why I (am cry</span><span><span>ing</span>).</span>
1. She should use special pills and antibiotics.
2.She should feel better after a week