Was were you...? left,was hasn't come has he gone....? when did you see....? haven't seen has improved, have seen felt,went where did you spend....? have you ever spent......? met have never visited visited have just got did you take....?
Стих- poem [поэм]
Игрушка- toy [той]
1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 2
5. 1
6. 1
7. 2
8. 2
2. Noises
3. Lights
4. Rooms
5. Time
B,B,A,B,C,C,C,?(последнее не видно но по идеи должно быть are)
Many - исчисляемое
much - не исчисляемое
1. Is there much snow in the streets? Много снега на улицах?
2. There aren't many lamps. Тут нет много ламп.
3. How many rooms are there in your flat? Сколько комнат в твоей квартире?
4. There isn't much coffee in the cups. Тут не много кофе в чашках.
5. Have you many friends in your class? У тебя много друзей в классе?
6. Has she much homework for today? У нее сегодня много домашних заданий?
7. How much bread is there on the plate? Сколько хлеба на тарелке?
8. How much coffee is there in the jar? Сколько кофе тут в банке?
9. You play computer games too much. Ты слишком много играешь в компьютерные игры.
10. There aren't people many standing at the bus stop. Тут не много людей, стоящих на автобусной остановке.
1- 1fly-b 2swim-e 3tortoise-f 4parrot-h 5talk-g 6walk-j 7sea horse-i 8rabbit-k 9jump-I 10bird-c 11spider-a 12crawl-d
2-parrot, rabbit, spider, tortoise?, fly, swim, walk, talk, crawl, sea horse, bird, jump