Has he got kitten
Has the kitten got a box
Is it a kitten
Can the cat got a kitten
Can the kitten play in the box
Can the kitten run
Is the kitten at home
Is the kitten got a toy
Can the kitten jump
Has he take a kitten
Is the kitten play with toy
he will be her husband. These people are fishermen. These women are in Poland. These actors are 24-30 years old. These girls are his cousins. That teacher is 25 years old.
John said that he was tired yesterday
She said that she wants to learn to play the piano
Kate said that she got up early this morning
She wondered about his liveplace
The teacher wanted to know about our opinion about Russian literature
She said that she does not remember him
1. Он сказал: "Я иду в кино с моим другом". 2. Рита сказала Алексу: "Я буду отвечать на телефонные звонки". 3. Они сказали: "Мы только что приехали". 4. Мальчик сказал: "Я не верю в это". 5. Она сказала матери: "Я не забудьте купить молоко". 6. Отец сказал: "Я уже закончил эту газету".