Madder- the maddest, stormier-the stormiest, gayer-the gayest, older- theoldest/elder- theeldest,more mysterious- the most mysterious, better- the best,sicker-the sickest, more selfish-the most selfish, completer-the completerest,worse-the worst, more remote-the most remote, simpler-the simplest, more gloomy-the most gioomy, fatter-the fattest, more thankful-the most thankful
1. short, shorter, the shortest
2. big, bigger, the biggest
3. beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful
4. funny, funnier, the funniest
5. interesting, more interesting, the most interesting
1. Ann is more beautiful than her friend.
2. The first bird is more beautiful than the second bird.
3. This lesson is more interesting than Lesson One.
4. Mary's poem is more interesting than Nick 's poem.
5. Kate is more beautiful than her sister.
1. A meteorite is a rock from space.
2. Most meteorites come to Earth from an
area in space between Mars and Jupiter.
3. Thousands of meteorites come to Earth
every year.
4. Most meteorites fall in the ocean or in
empty places.
<span>5. The largest meteorite fell in Siberia.</span>