Every person has his own idea of a perfect house.I usually have two or three meals a day on weekdays and four meals on my day off. I don't often have an opportunity to have a dinner when I'm at school. My meals are: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper or tea.Some of my friends have a snack rather than a meal in the morning. But my breakfast is a full meal and I have it at 7 o'clock. It is usually bacon and eggs. Afterwards come sandwiches with butter and cheese or sausages, or sometimes jam. Then I drink tea or coffee.I have lunch at about 12 o'clock. It starts with fruit juice. Then I have a vegetable salad and sandwiches again or pies with tea.Dinner is at three or four o'clock. For dinner I have soup or borsch for starter, and meat or fish with a lot of vegetables for main course. For dessert I often have stewed fruit or jelly.And at last supper. It is at seven or eight. My mother usually cooks fried fish and mashed potatoes, beefsteak and omelette. And salads, of course. Then I prefer a glass of warm milk with biscuits. Sometimes before going to bed I drink orange juice or eat an apple.<span>
<span>Белый медведь — один из самых крупных наземных представителей млекопитающих отряда хищных. Его длина достигает 3 м, масса до 1 т. У медведей 42 зуба. Они похожи на огромные овалы белой шерсти. Как одуванчики. Они охотятся на свою добычу. Ловит он их, подкрадываясь из-за укрытий, или возле лунок: стоит животному высунуть голову из воды, как медведь ударом лапы оглушает добычу и вытаскивает её на лёд. Обитает в приполярных областях в северном полушарии Земли. Любят снег и холод. Питается белый медведь в основном тюленями. При случае ест моржей, рыбу, морских птиц, их птенцов и яйца, падаль и отбросы, летом — ягоды, водоросли и другой растительный корм. В дневное время белые медведи бродят в поисках добычи. Медведица находится неотлучно при малышах, подросшие медвежата играют, имитируя схватку. Да, они мне очень нравятся. Они выглядят очень красивыми и пушистыми)
</span><span>Polar bear — one of the largest land representatives of mammals of group predatory. Its length reaches 3 m, weight to 1 t. At bears 42 teeth. They are similar to huge ovals of white wool. As dandelions. They hunt on the production. It catches them, creeping because of shelters, or near holes: once the animal puts out the head from water, the bear deafens by blow of a paw production and pulls out it on ice. Lives in subpolar areas in the northern hemisphere of Earth. Love snow and cold. The polar bear generally eats seals. As required eats walruses, fish, sea birds, their baby birds and egg, drop and garbage, in the summer — berries, algas and other vegetable forage. In the afternoon polar bears roam in search of production. She-bear is permanently at the kids, the grown-up bear cubs play, imitating fight. Yes, they very much are pleasant to me. They look very beautiful and fluffy)
Tom can skip and play with his rabbit.
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