1) a-5, b-2 (Джокер), c-3, d-6
2) honest - dishonest
hard-working - lazy
talkative - quite
modest - arrogant
impatient - patient
nice - nasty
3) Captain Jack Sparrow is clever, but not always nice. He can be dishonest. He's confident and sometimes rude. I think he is impatient.
Will Turner is a kind, clever, honest and patient person.
1. I'm sorry, I'm late, have you been waiting for long?
2. We have been planning our expenditures since early morning but we are still in the process.
3. Our specialists have studied the relative demand for office furtniture for 3 months and now they can demonstrate the results of their survey.
4. They have been advertising the new type of shampoo everywhere for a month.
5. — How long have you been looking for the shipping documents for the thirty M-type desks? — I have been trying to find them since morning, but I think it'll take me the whole day.
6. Have you cleared up some of Sally's work? It has been a hectic day.
7. Mr. Best, the Sales Clerk, has been recording the invoiced sales and order intake for the month since January 3.
8. I have dialed the number direct for half an hour, but in vain. Let's do it through the operator.
9. The National Bank has been rating this agent as sound since they got a more detailed report on his perfomance.
10. These agents have been making the long — term assessment for a week. Do you think we should hire some more specialists?
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Red summer passed. It becomes cold, cold!
In animals, birds, insects blood cools, movements become sluggish, drowsiness overcomes. Frog jumping from the shore into the water, dive to the bottom, hammered deep into the mire, in the mud. Snakes, lizards hide under roots, burrow into the warm moss.
Shoals of fish piled into a pool in the deep underwater wells. Flies, mosquitoes, beetles climbed into the gap, the wells of the cortex, in the cracks of walls.
Ants were scored all the inputs and outputs of its high housing-ant. They climbed into the depths of the nest, huddle there in the pile, surpassing both the warm.
Прошло красное лето. Холодно становится, холодно!
У животных, птиц, насекомых стынет кровь, вялыми становятся движения, одолевает дремота. Лягушки скачут с берега в воду, ныряют на дно, забиваются поглубже в тину, в ил. Змеи, ящерицы, прячутся под корни, зарываются в теплый мох.
Рыбы стаями громоздятся в омутах, в глубоких подводных ямах. Забрались в щели, скважины коры, в трещины стен, заборов мухи, комары, жуки.
Муравьи закупорили все входы-выходы своего высокого жилья-муравейника. Забрались в самую глубину его, жмутся там в кучи, потесней, так им теплее.