out of sight
Yes, he is
No,he isn't
Yes,they are
No, they aren't
Yes,she is
No, he isn't
Yes,I am
No,I'm not
<span>Koala - one of the most famous and favorite Australian animals. Him name as a bear, though a Koala are not connected to what type of bears.</span>
<span>What did the boy do nearly all the tme?
Why </span><span>couldn`t the boy add?
What did the boy </span><span>find?
Which was the last word to puzzle him?
What was the boy was reading aloud?
</span><span><span>What sentence made</span> the princess laugh?
Did the boy really feel like laughing?</span>
For good work, Anastasia Pavlovna was given good money
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends
The deal is more valuable then money
In the camp, boys played cards for money
The teacher said: "We give money for lunch."
I spent a lot of money on new clothes
At 16, Maxim earned his first money
"This is my money!" - heard a voice from the back of the desk
Nastia got a lot of money out of her pocket
This girl bragged about her money