Школьная жизнь
В нашей стране в школу идут в шесть лет. Множество мальчиков и девочек заканчивают школу в семнадцать.
Учебный год начинается 1 сентября. Это день Знаний. Дети идут в школу со своими портфелями и цветами, и первый школьный день выглядит таким опрятным и милым. Некоторые из них носят униформу, а некоторые нет.
Уроки обычно начинаются в 8. В начальной школе дети учатся пять дней в неделю. Суббота и воскресенье - выходные. Каждый день у школьников пять или четыре уроков. Дети сидят по линиям и следуют расписанию. Есть много разных предметов в расписании. Дети учат белорусский и русский, математику, человек и мир, ИЗО, музыку, физкультуру и труд. Много учеников учат английский. После второго урока они завтракают.
Когда, около часа дня, заканчиваются уроки, много детей обедает в школе. После уроков они идут в спортивные секции, на танцы, рисование и другие занятия. Они часто посещают музеи и другие интересные места, театры и кино с их учителями.
У школьников есть осенние, зимние и весенние каникулы по 10 дней. Учебный год заканчивается в мае, и летние каникулы - самые долгие.
Apple tree.
I am big
I am tall
I have windows
I have walls
people live inside me(the house)
I am small
I am not tall
I am afraid of cats
I have big ears
I am ...(mouse)
Hello Madam!
Can i help you?
I would like to try a T-shirt and jeans?
What colour?
Any problem,Madam?
I'd like a smaller size!
Does it suit me?
It looks good.
How much are the jeans and the T-shirt?
25 pounds.
<span>The happiest day in my life is my birthday. I have my birthday on the 27th of December. Birthday is a very remarkable day for me. In the morning my parents come to my place and say, “Happy birthday!” They give me presents. I enjoy to get them. I usually have my birthday party at home. My parents and I prepare for this day. We invite my friends and relatives to the party. I usually celebrate my birthday on Sunday. I get up early in the morning. My father and I go to the shop and to the market to buy something we need for the party. My mother stays at home. She cleans the flat, makes cakes, lays the table and waits for the guests. I like this day. At four oclock my relatives and friends come to congratulate me and Im glad to see them. They bring flowers, books and sweets as birthday presents. I thank my friends. We have got a good holiday dinner on this day. Mother brings us a cake with candles on it. My friends sing the song: “Happy birthday to you” and I blow all the candles out. During our gay party we sing songs, play guitar, dance, make jokes, play games and speak our life and future. After having tea we dance, watch TV and tell stories and funny jokes. I enjoy my birthday party. My friends like this day too. На картинке перевод текста.</span>
<span><span>1. He explained that because he had [been] only recently started to work</span><span>2. in the office everybody was taking advantage of him. He</span><span>3. complained that they kept [up] asking him to do things which he</span><span>4. says are not his job to do [it]. Senior members of staff</span><span>5. asked him to make a coffee and one of them even told him</span><span>6. to buy him a newspaper. The assistant director asked [of] him</span><span>7. whether he would mind [to] getting him some cigarettes</span><span>8. I asked George how long [had] this had been going on and he said</span><span>9. it had stated on his firs day in the office. I advised him to go and</span>
10. talk to his boss. He replied that he [has] had already had a
11. word with the manager but he refused to get involved and even
12. suggested [whether] it was Georges fault if there was tension at
13. work. I wondered whether we should [to] persuade George to apply
<span>14. for a job
with us but I don't know [about] whether he would agree to work on a much
lower salary that he's getting at the moment.</span></span>