Вот блин, уже забыла все эти правила, но вроде так
Have we got Math on Tuesday?
Has Joe got a sister?
How many legs has a spider got?
Has a crocodile got feathers?
Has our teacher got a bike?
Have you got a red bag?
What subjects have we got today?
Have you got a pet?
Перевод исходного текста:
Королева Виктория правила Англией с 1837 по 1907 год. Вначале Викторианской эпохи, малообеспеченные работали с пяти лет, чтобы прокормить себя и свою семью. Их работа была тяжелой и очень часто даже опасной. Многие дети становились трубочистами, ппотому что они были маленькими и худыми. Они пролезали в узкие дымоходы, чтобы прочистить их. Так же многие шли работать на хлопковые фабрики. Когда нити спутывались, они приходилось забираться в станки, чтобы исправить это. Другие же работали в угольных шахтах. Они занимались тем, что толкали вагонетки с углем или же открывали и закрывали двери, тем самым пуская воздух в тоннели. Их мастера очень часто были жестокими, работали они невероятно долго и получали маленькие зарплаты. У многих детей были проблемы со здоровьем и много пострадало из-за несчастных случаев. Лорд Шафтсбери помог остановить детский труд. Он открыл бесплатные школы для бедных детей. А уже в конце Викторианской эпохи все дети поступали в школы еще до их десятилетия.
Укороченная версия:
Queen Victoria ruled England during 1837 to 1901 and that time is named Victorian Time. During that time children’s life was awful. They started working from the age of five and their jobs were often dangerous and low-paid. They worked as chimney sweeps, because they were small and thay could clear chimneys, as workers on cotton factories, and as healpers in coal mines, where they were pushing huge trucks of coal. The masters were usually cruel and many of them had problems with health. Lord Shaftesbury was the person, who wanted to stop that, and that’s why he opened free schools for poor children. At the end of Victorian Time children went to school until the age of 10.
1. Can your brother play tabble tennis? - Yes, he can. And he does it very well
2. Can your cousin ride a horse?- No, he can not. But he wants to ride a horse
3. Мау i go to the cinema?- Yes, you can
4. May she come home late?- No, she can not
5. Must she learn this poem by heart?- Yes she must It is her hometask
6. How mach books they must read?- Only 2
7.Should they wear smart clothers for the party?- Yes they should It is a fancy-drees party
8. How much salt i should put in the dish?- Just a little
9.Can the student use mobile phones at the exams?- No, or he will be deleated from the exams
10.Must children come to school in the time?- Yes they must
1 what time will be his parents at home
Where will be his parents after six
2 who did understand <span>the rule very well.
Did the pupils understand </span>the rule very well.<span>
3 how much lessons have they </span><span>got </span><span>
what have they </span>got today
1People told him at about dinner table
2 I will give it him w<span>hen he comes back
3 He asked me to give him your telephone number
4 I I will leave Kyiv tomarrow</span>
Yesterday I cleaned the house. Mother cooked tasty food. My sister helped her. She washed dishes. Father worked in the garden. I helped him. I gathered apples. Then we washed our car.