Does your granny live with you?
Do you speak english?
Do they go to school?
Where do children every summer?
When does your mather come here?
Do this boy playing football well?
Do your firends like to read books?
The 1948 olympic games were (2) really (3) memorable because they were the first games after world war 2. People had not had games for 12 years. In 1948 the London (4) government didn't have money or (5) necessary materials to build a new olimpic stadium. Instead, sports events took place wherever (6) possible: in parks, sports grounds and halls around the city. The (7) famous athletes and just the (8) olympians stayed in dormitories in (9) unused military camps or in college rooms but in spite of all the (10) difficulties the games were very (11) successful and more than 4,000 athletes from 54 countries participated in them.
0. on playing basketball
1. showed
2. for
3. far from
4. takes
5. was
6. unnecessary
7. were invited by the organizers
8. money
9. have been swimming
<span>10. I do not want any coffee</span>
Меня зовут Даниэль Пирсон. Я живу в Висконсине, США. Моя школа называется Начальная Школа Дэнвера, и мне там правда нравится. Уроки начинаются в 8:30.Каждый день у нас Утреннее Приветствие и обычно начинаем день с игры или песни. Перерыв в 10:30, большинство учеников выходят на улицу. Каждый четверг я встречаюсь с моей учительницей Мисс Блэйк чтобы поговорить о школьной работе и проектах. Ланч каждый день в 12:15. Я обычно ем в школьной столовой. утром у нас обычно уроки искусства, физкультуры или музыки. После школы, в 3 часа, я иду домой и играю со своей маленькой сестрой. Потом я помогаю маме приготовить обед. После обеда я всегда делаю домашнюю работу, потом я читаю или смотрю телевизор некоторое время. Ложусь спать в 10 часов вечера.
<span>1) William likes to sing on the stage. 2) The new
text is in page 14. 3) On Sundays I can see little Tommy with his
sledge. 4) The boy has a new book for his good friend, Giant John.</span>