1 present progressive
2 present simple
3 present simple
4 present perfect
John said that he was tired yesterday
She said that she wants to learn to play the piano
Kate said that she got up early this morning
She wondered about his liveplace
The teacher wanted to know about our opinion about Russian literature
She said that she does not remember him
<span>‘Shall I stay here?’ ‘I’d rather ... with us.’ Тут непонятно, Остальные ответы.
<span><span>Doing, not to be, me
to come, locking, laughing, living, not
go, to going, to drive, </span>
of buying, difficulty
finding, to invite, It is difficult to understand him., of falling, come, After
finding (должно быть<span> having found) , him run, you to
Hi, mate.
I want to invite you to the open air concert on these weekend. I hope you will accept my suggestion and will come. Additionally it is concert of our lovely group.