Портфолио сейчас рисует твою комнату и пишет о этом.
Portfolio is drawing your room and writing about it.
Какое-то непонятное предложение.
Я не уверенна, правильно ли это , но мне кажется «Stoped»
<span>1.Lena didn't want to get up, did she?
2.Lena had a lot to do, didn't she?
3.It was windy and cold outside, wasn't it?
4.Lena couldn't think about the party and the cake, could she?
5.Lena and her mother decided to have lemon tea and sandwiches for breakfast, didn't they?
6.Lena was happy to stay in bed, wasn't she?</span>
Cows have got long tails.
Cows-множественное число, поэтому have
1) a
2) 0
3) a
4) an
5) a
6) an
7) 0
8) a
9) 0
10) 0