Вот: заголовок, рубрика, заглавие(header, heading, title)catchy headline — броский заголовокзаголовок газетыпередовица<span>гл.озаглавить<span>(title)</span></span>
There is so much types of food.
They divided into healthy and unhealthy (junk) food.
I know some types of healthy food, they are: fruits, vegetables and meat.
Types of junk food: Sweets, burgers, fried food etc.
I prefer eating healthy food, such as bananas, tomatos, strawberries.
They are so tasty, and they can also help me to keep fit.
To learn more about the healthy way of life I appeal to my parents, friends, famous facts and scientists.
I think, it worth trusting in them.
For a special day i've cooked cupcakes.
<span>(на особый день я готовила пироженки)
</span>i've preheat my your oven to the high temperature, l<span>ine a cupcake pan with paper liners.
then </span>Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. add eggs and other things, and Bake it for 17-20 minutes. then i <span>Make the frosting. </span>Cool the cupcakes. and then i
<span>Decorate the cupcakes with the frosting. </span>Serve!
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