Сделайте для себя несколько обещаний
Например я буду работать в следующем году я не буду есть сладости
1)я буду больше работать в следует году
2)я не буду есть сладости
3)я буду делать домашнее задание
5)я не буду часто смотреть телевизор
6)не забуду про день рождение брата
7)не буду дразнить сестру
8)не буду огорчать моих родителей
9) буду помогать маме по дому
10) буду чистить зубов каждый день
Have you ever been too tired to go out?
Were you hungry enough to have a big breakfast?
Are you strong enough to carry a friend?
Is your sports team good enough to win the league?
Is your house big enough to have a party?
<span>It is 7:30 PM at the home of Lisa and she's in her room doing her homework. However , homework is just one of the things that she does, though her eyes are fixed on the computer screen."My parents keep telling me off for multi-tasking while studying, but they don't understand that it helps me concentrate," she says. Young people today spend almost 6 1/2 hours a day using various media types to do different things at the same time. This is the reason why they called the multitasking generation or generation M. According to experts, it is also important to take time away from electronic media.I really think that generation need to take time to relax and reflect. There is life outside of the screen, and the pleasure of face-to-face communication can neither deny nor replaced."</span>
14) to saty
15) driving
16) to post
17) taking
18) talking, asking
19) doing
20) to water