<span>Speech is silver but silence is gold <span>Слово — серебро, молчание — золото
</span></span><span>Soon learnt, soon forgotten - <span>Выученное наспех быстро забывается
</span></span><span>Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach - <span>He тяни руку дальше рукава
</span></span><span>Saying and doing are two things - <span>Сказать и сделать — две разные вещи
не знаю то ли это если еще надо пиши</span></span>
Посмотри на мою семью Это моя мама и мой папа Дейзи мо малтнька сестра А Джорж мой брат Мой дедцшка Поул и моя бабушка Люси
1 much
2 a few
3 a lot of
4 a lot of
5 much
6 few
7 a lot of
8 very few
9 little
1. Fox and the goat Fled the Fox, the crow gape, and fell into the well. The water in the well was a bit: drowning impossible, and to pop up too. Fox sits, grieving. Is a goat, a clever head; goes beard shakes, shakes rozhysche; glanced nothing to do in the well, saw a Fox and asks: — What are you, little Fox, what are you doing? — Relax, dear, — answered the Fox. — It's hot up there, so I got in here. Here cool really like good Yes! Water cold as you want. And the goat have long thirsty. — How good is the water? asks the goat. Great! — answered the Fox. — Clean, cold! Jump here, if you like; here both of us a place to be. Jumped foolish goat, a little Fox without asking, and she told him: — Ah, the bearded fool! And to jump something he could not — all sprayed. Fox jumped on the goat's back, from behind the horns, and out of the well. I almost lost a goat to death in a pit; hardly something he found and the horns pulled out.
Source: http://bom-bom.ru/detiam/skazki/ushinskij-korotkie-skazki-pro-zverej.html Educational website for kids © Bom-bom.ru
1 дазент 2 ес хи дас 3 дас 4 ес зэй ду 5 донт 6 ноу ши дас нот 7ду 8 ноу хи дас нот 9 ноу зэй ду нот 10 км зэй ду 11 ес ши дас 12 ес ит дас