Where is my hairbrush?
Who is this?
Are they friendly? Не уверен на счет этого
How does she look?
What do you like to do in your free time?
How old is your family?
Первые два не видно
3 an
4 at
5 above
6 are always criticising
7 on
8 some
9 how much
10 where
11 good
12 the best
13 some
14 leave
15 across
16 yours
17 this
18 whose
1 popular
2 about
3 jar
4 crowded
5 an endangered
6 clumsy
7 bossy
8 change
9 obedient
10 attractions
1.Who are putting their toys into the box now ?
. What are my little sisters putting into the box now ?
.Where are my little sisters putting their toys?
2.Who is standing under a tree now ?
What is Bob doing now ?
Where is Bob standing?
3.Who are gathering mushrooms in the wood now ?
What are my parents doing now ?
4.Who is opening the window now ?
What am i doing now ?
5.Who are writing a dictation now?
What are the pupils doing now ?
1. Длинный клюв
2. Высокая вершина
3. Чистая скамейка
4. Чистый пол
5. Слабый чай
6. Сильный / Густой чай
7. Чистая комната
8. Чистое окно
9. Говорить на английском
10. Преподавать английский
11. Читать книгу
12. Читать то и это
1. he's got many problems with mats, isn't he?
2. there aren't five pictures on the wall, are they?
3. they can't sing English songs, can they?
4. she never goes to school on Saturday, does she?
в последнем, что такое Р.Е.?