Did you wear school uniform last year?
We do not have Science this year
When will you have your autumn holidays?
Do you often miss the lessons?
I enjoy reading detective stories on holiday
What do you know about your school?
<span>What do you do in IT lessons?</span>
<span>Ведущий 2 - There are four kinds of tea which are popular all over the
world. They are green tea, red tea, yellow tea and black tea. They can be in
large and small leaves and in granules. But Englishman most of all prefer black
and green tea. In cold weather they like to drink tea with milk. Besides, milk
helps to determine the quality of tea. (Продемонстрировать): How do it? We take
two cups of tea and add some milk. If the colour is red or orange it’s a good
tea. But if the colour is grey its bad tea.
В мире популярны четыре вида чая. Это зеленый, красный, желтый и черный
чай. Чай может быть крупнолистовым, измельченными или гранулированным.
Но англичане
предпочитают черный или зеленый чай.
В холодную погоду они любят пить чай с
молоком. Кроме всего, молоко помогает определить качество чая. Каким образом?
Возьмем две чашки чая и добавим туда немного молока. Если цвет станет красным
или оранжевым, это хороший чай. Но если цвет станет серым, этот чай плохой.
Какие еще предложения можно добавить?</span>
Зачем добавлять, если в исходном тексте нет,
Грамматически верное предложение. А что нужно сделать по заданиЮ?
1. The teacher told us to go home.
2. My mother told me to buy some meat in the shop.
3. My mother told me to sit down at the table and do my homework.
4. Granny told Helena not to forget to clean teeth.
5. The doctor told Mary not to sit up late.
6. The doctor told Pete not to go for a walk that day.
7. The mother told Tom not to eat much ice-cream.
8. My friend asked me to explain how to solve that problem.
9. The doctor told Nick to open his mouth and show him his tongue.
10. The man told Kate not to be afraid of his dog.
11. The librarian told the boy to take that book and read it
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