<span>1. They got into the car.
2. He stood at his father.
3. They had coffee with a bun for breakfast.
4. They decided to meet at five o’clock at the station.
5. He took a book from the table, looked at it, then put it back .
6. They looked at each other.
7. I go to college.
8. He isn’t at home now. He is at school.
9. This book was written by Perumov.
<span>10. The school year begins in September and is over in May.</span>
11. We decided to meet at 5 o’clock at the bank.
12. This story is about a famous painter.
13. He is a funny little guy with brown hair.
14. He is keen on animals.
15. She is fond of reading thrillers.
16. Sunday is the only day off in our school.
17. The book is on the table.
18. I don’t want to go to the party. I’m going to work on Sunday.
19. We decided to meet at the airport.
20. He stood at the door and didn’t let me go away.
21. He works in/at a hospital. He looks after children who are ill.
<span>22. When my friend came into the room, there was nobody in .</span></span>
I very like to watch TV programs that affect the problem of law and order. One evening was the transfer with an interesting man Anatoly Kucherena. I am attentive to every word he said, every thought, because they were clear, concise, understandable to all participants in the dialogue. Later I found out that Anatoly Kucherena is a Doctor of Law, one of the best lawyers in Russia. He has achieved great success in their lives through hard work and perseverance and sincere devotion to their favorite cause. To me, he immediately became a role model. This is how a person with the screen influenced and even a few changed the whole course of my thoughts about the future profession. I finally decided to become a lawyer.
Я люблю смотреть телевизионные программы, затрагивающие проблемы законности и правопорядка. Однажды вечером шла передача с участием интереснейшего человека Анатолия Кучерены. Я внимательно относился к каждому сказанному им слову, каждой мысли, потому что они были ясны, лаконичны, понятны всем участникам диалога. Позже я выяснил, что Анатолий Кучерена является доктором юридических наук, одним из лучших адвокатов в России. Он добился большого успеха в своей жизни благодаря трудолюбию и настойчивости, искренней преданности своему любимому делу. Для меня он сразу же стал примером для подражания. Вот так личность с экрана воздействовала и даже несколько изменила весь ход моих мыслей по поводу будущей профессии. Я окончательно решил стать юристом.
Писал в женском роде
1-А,2-А,3-В,4-С,5-В,6-А,7-В,8-А,9-В,10-С,11-В,12-В,13-В,14-А,15- А,16-С,17-А,18-А,19-В,20-С,21-A,22-B,23-B,24-B,25-A,26-C
oteins (fibers) create the matrix for C
Cells are spread through an extracellular fluid.
Ground substance - A clear, colorless, and viscous fluid containing
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