Do I need mi ID card for school? Does she carry a lot of things in her bag? Do you watch too much TV? Do they use the laptop for their homework? Do we finish school at three o'clock today? Does Alina play basketball?
I would not want to change the cover of this book, because I like it
I would like to express my opinion about foreign languages. I know that speaking foreign language is always useful. You become smarter and more educated. At the moment I am learning English at school , I like it very much and it is popular all around the world, I want to speak it perfectly (или fluently - свободно владеть). It is used in many countries and I think it would be helpful for lots of people. Many people learn it at school, whereas others learn it with tutors. Some people learn it themselves while listening to the music.
1. Did you have a good weekend?
2. Have you got any plans for today?
3. What are you doing here in the wood?
4. What do you do when you are not working?