I like summer.
In summer the weather is wonderful.
I like when days are warm and long.
I don't like when the weather is rainy.
I don't like when it is cold and windy.
My name is .... I'm 12 years old. IN our flat we have 4 rooms: It's my room,my brothers room, mother's and father's room, kitchen and two toilets. In my room I have table,chair,bed, computer and also..
In my table i have computer, books, lamp. My room is big and beautiful
Шапка горлатная — меховой (мужской и женский) головной убор русской знати XV — XVII веков.
В локоть высотой, расширяющийся кверху цилиндр с бархатным или парчовым верхом. Шапки горлатные обшивались лисьим, куньим или собольим мехом. Мех брался из горлышек, оттуда и произошло название.
Горлатную шапку часто не надевали на голову, а держали на сгибе левой руки.
I can speak English. My father can not speak German. Can you speak French? My sister can not skating. Can you swim across this river? I can't drink this milk. She can't understand you. Could you swim last year? Last year I could not skiing, but now I can. Could you tell me how to get to railway station? Could you help me? I can't translate this sentence. Where can I buy bread here? Could your grandmother dance when she was young? Yes, she could and she can now.
Will you be able to do this work tomorrow? I think, she won't be able to make this task. Tomorrow I will be free and be able to help you. Will we be able to go to New York next year? Will you be able to fix my tape recorder? <span> Yesterday I could not see the director , because he was at the conference, but today after work I will be able to.
На счёт имя не уверена, но Ellen,Emelia,Marry