The school education in Russia
Какую работу ты делаешь дома?
какую работу ты не делаешь дома?
Необходимо написать какие предметы есть у Джейн и Джона в портфелях. Задать вопрос и написать ответ.
What has Jane got in her school bag? - Jane has got an eraser, a pen, a sharpener and an atlas in her school bag.
What has John got in his school bag? - John has got a ruler,a notebook and a notepad in his school bag.
What have Jane and John got in their school bags? - Jane and John have got a book, a pencil and a pencil case in their school bags.
They wrote the text. - положит
They didn't write the text. - отриц
Did they write the text? - вопросит