I used to run every morning
My mom used to get up early
My sister used to eat a little
My friend used to speak quietly
My dad used to go fast
(это положительные)
My mom is not used to using the phone
I'm not used to getting bad grades
My teacher is not used to a new job
(это отрицательные)
Atlown, colour,lunch,cheese, chiрs,munch
Выбрать любого известного человека или кого-то, кого вы знаете, и говорить о своей профессиональной карьере
Так а самой не сделать? Для этого мог(ла) и переводчик врубить.
Первых 10
1.I am waiting for New Year's Day with great pleasure.
2.I've already made my plans for New Year's Eve celebration .
3.I should like to celebrate New Year's Eve with my best friends.
4.I want to get many different presents on the 1-st of January from my relatives.
5.I went to the forest yesterday and got a New Years tree from there.
6.My favourite holiday is New Year, because this day I can go to my friends and spend all night and all day with them.
7.The organization of celebration is the main speciality of New Year.
8.We hope that New Year will be better then a year before.
9.We adress many best wishes for our friends and relatives this day.
<span>10.New Year is like a fairy-tale for children of all over the world!</span>