<span>John said that he had got two tickets for a new film. and saked if Mary Would </span><span>like to go.</span>
<span>Mary said thad she would</span> be busy that evening. She asked what time it would begin.
<span>John answered that it would begin at half past eight.</span>
<span>Mary said that was all right. She thought that she would have enough </span><span>time to do all I was planning to. </span>
<span>3 </span>
<span>Peter asked how long Ann was going to stay there.</span>
<span>Ann said that she was going to stay there A fortnight</span>
<span>Peter said that she would have enough time to see the sights</span>
<span>HE asked if she Would like to begin the next morning.</span>
<span>Ann agreed.</span>
<span>4 </span>
<span>A man apologized. He asked If Ann could speak English.</span>
<span>Ann said that she could speak a little.</span>
<span>The man asked me how he could get to Red Square </span><span>from there? </span>
<span>Ann said that he could take the 12 bus and that it would take him </span><span> ten minutes to get there. </span>
<span>The man thanked Ann.</span>
1 While
2 When
3 When
4 While
5 When
A 4 <span>A place between Europe and Britain
</span>B 1 <span>The English they speak
</span>C 6 <span>A safe place for disappearing animals
</span>D 2 <span>The tracks of the other world
</span>E 7 <span>A multi-coloured place
</span>F 3 <span>Traces of ancient wildlife
</span>G 8 It is not about the colour!
Вопросительное - What is your name?/How old are you?/ what is your favorite movie? - Как тебя зовут?/Сколько тебе лет?/Какой у тебя любимый фильм?
Отрицательное - I don't like swimming. I don't like playing football. I don't like school/ - Я не люблю плавать./Я не люблю играть в футбол/Я не люблю школу
Утвердительное - I like watching Tv./ I like playing computer/I love my family -Я люблю смотреть телевизор./Я люблю играть в компьютер/Я люблю свою семью.
Положительное- It's a wonderful day!/The sun is shining!/Everyone is happy! Это прекрасный день!/Солнце сияет!/Все счастливы!
Как то так, что на ум пришло :)
1) у вас будет некоторое время, чтобы пойти по магазинам на Оксфорд-стрит.
2) солнце встает на востоке.
3) сейчас он читает газету.
4) я взял книгу из библиотеки вчера.
5) я хожу в университет каждый день.
Письменно переведите их на русский язык. Определите видо-временную форму глагола в страдательном залоге.
1) сейчас в городе строится много новых домов.
2) все наблюдения были сделаны группой известных ученых.
3) нас попросили приехать как можно скорее.
4) многие эксперименты проводятся в лаборатории.
5) меня всегда хвалят дома.