Чикен виз веджитэбл
айс крим энд чоколэт
вотер энд лимонад
пицца виз чиз он ит
эггс ин май сэндвичес
бургерс виз чипс
зес а джаст сам
оф май фэворит сынгс
Speaking about the harm of long-term stay of the child at the monitor, the doctors mention the following factors.
- Wrong landing at the table is for kids posture; reduced physical activity leads to weight gain; a flickering monitor can contribute to the deterioration of vision. These problems can be solved by properly organizing the workplace at the computer and limiting children's computer time.
- In children, sharply sensing the lack of attention from parents, unbalanced, excitable, often there is computer addiction.
- Very quickly at such children there comes a nervous exhaustion, an overstrain with which it is difficult to fight.
- "Wrong" computer games entail the appearance of aggressive behavior in children. Unstable children's mentality causes children to be nervous, unruly, excessively noisy.
Вдруг небо потемнело.На небе было много туч.Было ветрено и дождливо.Также было очень холодно.Вскоре начался сильный дождь.Таков был конец наших выходных.
Прошедшие выходные были не очень счастливыми.Я со своими друзьями решили выбраться из города и провести 2 или 3 дня за городом.Мы хотели пожить в палатке,готовить пищу на костре и поиграть в игры.Чарльз и Фред хотели порыбачить.Вы знаете, что это доставляет им большое удовольствие.Но я не думаю, что они очень сильны в этом.Они обычно приходят домой с 2 или 3 рыбками, но они говорят, что умеют ловить рыбу очень хорошо.
1.Nina celebrated her birthday yesterday.Her room looked beatiful,there were many flowers in it.When I came in,somebody was playing the piano,two or there pairs were dancing. 2. Listen! Somebody is playing the piano.3.I like music very much. 4. When I looked out of the window,it was raining heavily and people were hurrying along the streets. 5.What were you doing at seven o.clock yesterday-I was having supper. 6. When I came home yesterday,I saw that all my family was sitting round the table.Father was reading a letter from my uncle who lives in Kiev. 7. Where were you yesterday?-I was at home the whole day.-How strange. I rang/was ringing you up at two o.clock,but nobody answered.-Oh,I was in the garden.I was reading your book and didn't hear the telephone.8.What were you doing at five o'clock yesterday? -I was working at my English from five tiil seven.10.It was raining the whole day yesterday.11.Where is your sister now?-She is in her room.She is doing her homework.
The kitten has got blue eyes.