Сделай колаж твоей любимой одежды для разных ситуаций: для школы, вечеринки, спорта. Ты можешь нарисовать картинки или вырезать их из журнала. Добавь к ним описание. Обоснуй свой выбор
Существует готовые домашние задания , скажи что за автор, класс и тетрадь это или книга
Я найду и пришлю тебе
Hi, my name is Vakil (?). I am 19 years old. I study at the ____. I'm fond of different sports, (перечислишь). One of my favorite hobbies is driving around (название города) at night. My family is quite large, it consists of 5 people : my parents, a sister and a brother of mine. When it comes to my free time, I enjoy spending it with my friends and girlfriend. The winter is my favorite season because it is always very beautiful and my birthday is also in winter. The films that I enjoy are mostly comedies. I'm glad that I entered _____
A1) to give advice, to feel upset, to look smart, to avoid quarrels
А2) wonderful
A3) hasn't she
и, кажется, вы не выложили вопрос А4...
When have the Sundy newspapers arrived?
When have all those people gone home?
When has the secretary from your father's office phoned?
Where has the family in the flat upstairs gone?
Why have all the students in Mr Carter's class given him present?