bathroom-ванная комната
living room-зал
1 some
2 an
3 any
Кремль находится в России в городе Москва.В центре столице,на живописном холме над Москвой-рекой,высится создававшийся талантом и <span>трудом многих поколений неповторимый ансамбль Кремля. Первое упоминание о Москве мы находим в документах 1147 г., однако раскопки в Кремле показывают, что здесь уже были поселения во второй половине первого тысячелетия до нашей эры. При князе Иване Калите в 1339-1340 гг. из мощных дубовых стволов были сооружены новые стены. А уже при Дмитрии Донском, когда москвичи готовились к решительной борьбе с татарами, стены и башни Кремля были выложены из белого подмосковного камня. “Царствующим градом” называли Москву при Иване III, когда она во второй половине XV века стала столицей объединенного Русского государства. К этому времени относится самое большое строительство Кремля.</span>
It <u>WAS (1)</u> friday afternoon. Mike and his friend Peter <u>WANTED (2)</u> to go to the cinema. They <u>DECIDED (3)</u> to see the new action film BLOOD DIAMOND with Leonardo DiCaprio. Peter <u>SAID (4)</u> that he was going to check the newspapers in order to see at what time the film is on schedule at their local cinema.
Peter <u>CALLED (5)</u> Mike and <u>TOLD (6)</u> him that the film starts at 7 p.m. Mike's dad <u>DROVE (7)</u> them to the cinema in his new car. The boys <u>ARRIVED (8)</u> at the cinema at 6:30 p.m. Mike <u>BOUGHT (9)</u> the tickets for the front row. They <u>WANTED (10)</u> to be as close to the action as possible. Peter <u>BOUGHT (11)</u> some pop-corn and M&M's. They <u>WENT (12)</u> to their seats in the front row.
They <u>WERE (13)</u> excited. They <u>COULDN'T (14)</u> wait for the film to start. After the usual commercial messages, the film finally <u>STARTED (15)</u>. As the music <u>STARTED (16)</u><em></em>loud and the screen <u>WAS (17)</u> dark for a few seconds, Peter's and Mike's eyes <u>WERE (18)</u> glued to the screen as the film title appeared: HAPPY FEET.
Mike and Peter were silent. The even <u>STOPPED (19)</u> breathing for a few seconds. They <u>WAITED (20)</u> for the title to change from HAPPY FEET to BLOOD DIAMOND. But the title <u>DIDN'T CHANGE (21)</u>. All of a sudden the screen <u>WAS (22)</u> full of animated penguins. The two of them <u>FELT (24)</u> to laugh out loud. They almost <u>FELL (25)</u> off their seats from laughter.
They <u>LOOKED (26)</u> at each other and <u>DECIDED (27)</u> to stay and see the film till the end. Instead of beind in the middle of an action film, they were in the middle of the North Pole.
They <u>WERE (28)</u> very happy after this film. Their parents <u>LAUGHED (29)</u> too when they <u>TOLD (30)</u> them what <u>HAPPENED (31)</u>.
"Next time I'll check the newspapers," said Mike when they <u>GOT (32)</u> home.
<span>invoices, oxen, beds, sheep, cheques, faxes, water, photos, chide, toys</span>