1) 26×2=52 (книг)-взяли все ученики.
2) 210-52=148 (книг)-всего осталось.
1 his 2 him смотря какой род
Remember, make, match, get, find, get, dont panic, незнаю, dont be afraid, think,see,
Greg hasn't been on holiday for ages
I haven't visited London since 2000
<span>I think that Walt Disney was known that made some good movies in the world.
I learned that Walt Disney poorly in school because there were classes that interested him more than study.
I learned that Walt Disney loved cartoons.
I learned that Walt Disney cartoon painted Mary Popiins.
I learned that Walt Disney created Disneyland.
I learned that the family was poor Walt Disney and so he worked hard to help his father.
I learned that Walt Disney preferred drawing school.
I learned that Walt Disney spent the most time on the farm by studying nature <span>and animals.</span></span>