School uniform is really stylish, dark jacket, skirts and white shirts. However it is still uncomfortable. It's hard to move in school uniform. It's always blocking movements, even if you just sitting. Also school uniform isn't really durable and really expensive.
Школьная форма очень стильная, темный пиджак, юбка и белая рубашка. Тем не менее она до сих пор не удобная. В школьной форме тяжело двигаться. Она всегда блокирует движения, даже если ты просто сидишь. И школьная форма не очень прочная и реально дорогая
1) Ben had toothache yesterday.
2) They did not have a good time at the dance.
3) Mr and mrs newton had a big party last night.
4) She did not have many sandwiches for lunch.
<span> gereag - reggae (</span><span>reggae </span>is a music genre)
My favorite food - it's vegetables. Thanks to them, I feel good. I eat vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are delicious, and perfectly complement any side dish or soup. At dinner, for example, I eat tomatoes and cucumbers and radishes for lunch or cabbage. I encourage all of you to love vegetables, and you will feel ease in the body.