Посмотрите на подчеркнутые слова и фразы.ln пары выберите правильное значение, a или b.
What were Jane's parents like? They were cheerful and friendly.
What was a newcomer like at school ? He was shy.
What was an English course like? It was rather complicated.
What was a new restaurant like? It was awesome,but a little bit overcrowded.
What was the weather like? It was warm and sunny.
1. is there some wine in fridge?
2.are there any eggs?
3.ther aint any bisquits
4. is there some cheeseon the menu
5.can we have some oranges, please?
6, Would you like any vegetables with your steal?
You suggest something?
Yes, I will help you
Do you have a dress?
Yes, a lot - choose
I'm interested in a red dress
We have it
Now I'll show you
here you are
Thank you, I was looking for him
Вам что нибудь подсказать?
Да вы мне очень поможите
У вас есть платья?
Да много - выбирайте
Меня интересует красное платье
Оно у нас есть
Сейчас я вам покажу
Вот пожалуйста
Спасибо я его искала
До свидание
До свидание
Work song leave count poor