1.Where are you going to go on vacation?
2.What are you going to do there?
3.I'm not going to go camping in the summer.
4.We are going to buy a tent.
5.It will be cloudy tomorrow.
6.I think my friend will come to school tomorrow.
7.What is the weather gonna be like tomorrow?
8.Do not worry, I'm not late.
Best school love school like school sheap school expensive school 5 storey school dislike school
I am keen on music and whenever I have some free time I go to concert
halls. The (1) most preferable one is the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall in Moscow. I take
special (2) liking to the music of (3)Russian (4) composers and try not to miss solo
concerts of our (5) famous (6) musicians or symphony orchestra (7) performers.
1. Me-di-cal, bel-ly, treat-ment, exc-re-te.
2. In-vol-ve, or-gan, ar-ti-cu-la-te, hy-pog-los-sal, esop-hagus.
3. Di-ges-t-ion, ca-pil-la-ry, am-bu-lan-ce, un-der.
4. Inf-lam-ma-to-ry, con-di-ti-on, va-lue, ap-pea-ran-ce, des-cri-be.
5. Phy-si-cal, in-fec-ti-on, ge-ne-ral, re-la-te, stap-hy-lo-coc-cus.
6. Sub-scrip-ti-on, ins-tru-ment, cur-rent, la-bo-ra-to-ry, va-ri-ous.
<span>7. An-kle, re-cep-tion, ste-ri-li-ze, twee-zers.