<span>Impressionism is a very natural stage of art’s (0) DEVELOPment.
Russian painters had started their (1) unHeard of experiments with light and modified colour schemes before they visited France and got acquainted with French impressionism.
And yet, there is a difference between Russian and French impressionistic (2) Depiction in terms of their subject matter, light and colour scheme .
As far as French artists were concerned, they portrayed life differently in (3) </span>COMPARison<span> to Russian painters.
However, Russian impressionists never attempted to break away from (4)REALity.
Strictly speaking, Vasily Polenov can be regarded as a path (5) </span>BREAKer<span> in this field.
He was one of the first Russian painters who visited Paris in the 1870s and became (6) </span>ENORMOUSly<span> fascinated by impressionism.
He didn’t abandon his own distinct painting style, but he made every effort to (7) </span>FAMILIARize<span> his students in Russia with his French findings and encouraged their own artistic explorations.
Thanks to his (8) </span>ENTHUSIAStic<span> support, his like-minded contemporary artist Konstantin Korovin felt confidence to work differently.
The Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and (9) </span>ARCHITECTure<span> had never had landscape painting classes as this genre was seen as the one for amateurs.
V. Polenov was the first to introduce such classes and he was (10) </span>VIRTUALly<span> besieged by students who wanted to paint nature.
A pair of shoes, shoe store, a pharmacy, buy the magazine at the newsstand, tomatoes from the grocery store, expensive clothes, the famous toy store, a long queue at the sale, watch an action movie, the main actors (characters), turn right nearby.
Клетка - cell
умный - clever
товарищ - companion
аквариум - aquarium
дружелюбный - friendly
трава - grass
семя - seed
A) She is hot. She wants to swim in the river. This is picture 2. — Ей жарко. Она хочет плавать в реке. Это картинка 2.
B) He is hungry. He wants to have lunch. This is picture 3. — Он голоден. Он хочет пообедать. Это картинка 3.
C) She is frightened. She wants to have a bathroom without spiders. This is picture 4. — Она испугана. Она хочет иметь ванную комнату без пауков. Это картинка 4.
D) She is happy. She wants to see her present. This is picture 5. — Она счастлива. Она хочет увидеть свой подарок. Это картинка 5.
E) She is cold. She wants to put on a jumper. This is picture 1. — Ей холодно. Она хочет надеть джемпер. Это картинка 1.
F) She is thirsty. She wants to have some juice. This is picture 6. — Она хочет пить. Она хочет иметь немного сока. Это картинка 6.
1) A terrible tooth-ache prevented me from going to the cinema (сильная зубная боль помешала мне пойти в кино)
2) I have broken my right foot (я сломал свою правуб ногу)
3) This Man is very kind and caring (этот человек очень добрый и заботливый)
4) This woman is a thief(эта женщина воровка)
5) A postman give me a newspapper (почтальон дал мне газету)
6)Children has broke my vase