Реки глагол to be (is) не уничтожены
Воздух глагол to be(are) нарушен
Леса защищены
Животные загрязнены
Дикая природа испорчена
Беспорядок введён в...
Загрязнение от машин cнижены
Загрязнённая вода регенерирована
They would pass their exams if they worked harder.
If we lived nearer school, we wouldn't have to take a bus.
They would come to your party if you asked them.
If she WERE really ill, she would go to see a doctor.
I would give you her address if I knew it myself.
Tourists often stay at hotel
tourists usually visit showplaces
tourists sometimes go to the informational center
O this endless cough
Don't know what is this
Asthma or tuberculosis
Allergy or real disease
Cough in the morning
Cough in the evening
Where to find the cure?
I consult to the doctor
But still,
<span>No cure.</span>
Elephant seals, sometimes called sea elephants, make the same journey not once but twice a year. From December to March, the seals go to the warm waters of California to have their babies. Then they travel to the cold waters of Alaska looking for food. From April to August, the seals go back to California to lose their old coat and grow a new one. Elephant seals travel a long way — and get a new coat too!